Nineteenth Century World
Money and Power: The Bank of England and London in the Eighteenth Century
by Anne Murphy
Copperopolis: Swansea’s Heyday, Decline, and Regeneration
by Huw Bowen
The Transformation of the Lower Swansea Valley: Achievements, Missed Opportunities and Planning
by Graham Humphrys
From Industrialisation to Regeneration: Swansea and the Lower Swansea Valley, 1717-1967
by Huw Bowen
The knowledge economy: why are Swansea East and the Lower Tawe Valley important for the area's entrepreneurial future?
by Kathryn David and Any and Kathryn Penaluna
Bourgeois Dignity: How Ideas, Not Capital or Institutions, Enriched the World
by Deirdre McCloskey
Industrialisation: Why Britain Got There First
by Nicholas Crafts